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Vanguards quadball club

Latest results
European Quadball Cup 2024 D1:
Vanguards 100 - 120* Malaka Vikings
Vanguards 140 - 90* Darmstadt Athenas
Vanguards 70 - 110* London Quadball Club
Vanguards 170* - 20 Olympians (UK)
Vanguards 140* - 50 Paris Frog Quidditch
Vanguards 80 - 90* Heidelberger Hellhounds
Vanguards 100* - 20 Toulouse Minotaures
Vanguards 100* - 70 Madrid Lynx
Austrian Quadball Cup 2023:
Vanguards 220* - 20 Steelkraken
Vanguards 160 - 60* Glacier Grimms
Vanguards 140 - 80* Danube Direwolves
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