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Quadball explained

Quadball is a mixed gender, full contact sport, which combines elements from rugby, handball, and dodgeball. In this dynamic and highly strategic game two teams, consisting of 7 players each, try to get more points than their opponents.

Besides fairness, inclusion, tolerance, and equality are also very important. These values are not only lived by the community, but are also ensured by the offical rules and are actively pursued. 

The balls

In quadball there are four balls (plus a flag from minute 20 onwards), which partly fulfill different functions and are on the field simultaneously. This makes quadball a dynamic and versitale sport and requires a good game overview. 


1x per game

Is carried through one of the three hoops by the chasers. A goal is worth 10 points.
Quidditch, Rugby, Leisure Activity Vienna


Quiditch, Dodgeball, Leisure Activity Vienna

3x per game

Are used by the beaters to hit opponent players. Hit players have to run back to their own hoops and touch them to reenter the game.


1x per game

Is attached to the back of the shorts of the neutral snitch runner, who enters the game after 19 minutes. The seekers can catch the snitch and gain 30 points for their team and additionally end the game. 
Quidditch Snitch, Vienna outdoor leisure activity

The positions


1x per team

On defense, the keeper tries to prevent goals, in offense they can also play as a fourth chaser.
Keepers wear green headbands.
Quidditch Vienna, tournament, volleyball, goalkeeper


3x per team

Chasers try to score goals by throwing the quaffle through on of the opponent hoops - either from the front or from the back. 
Chasers wear white headbands.
Quidditch Vienna, Rugby, Tackle, Leisure Vienna


2x per team

Beaters try to hit opposing players to take them out of the game for a short amount of time.
Beaters wear black headbands.
Quidditch Vienna, Dodgeball, Tournament, Leisure


1x per team

Seekers enter the pitch in the 20th minute of the game and try to catch the snitch to end the game.
Seekers wear yellow headbands. 
Quidditch Vienna, Snitch, Full Contact

The pitch

Quidditch pitch

You can find the full rulebook on the website of the International Quadball Association (IQA).

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