Vienna International Airport (VIE) is located south of the city and a 30 min train ride to the center.
Do not book the advertised CityAirportTrain (CAT) which is significantly more expensive than the regular S-Bahn (“fast train”) .
You can take the "S7" from track 1 towards the city center.
There are red ticket vending machines on the way from the arrival to the trains.
Find all information here.
There are two main train stations called “Hauptbahnof” and “Westbahnhof”. Trains from Westbahnhof, as the name suggests, will come and go to the west. Trains coming from the east will usually arrive at Hauptbahnhof.
Tickets can be bought at the red "ÖBB" vending machines at the train station or online.
Most of the city is a short term parking zone, which means you need to either get a ticket at one of the rare vending machines, get the Handyparken app, buy a stack of parking tickets at a tobacconist or park in a multi storey car park.
If you are only here for the weekend you are lucky as parking on the street is mostly free on the weekend. Check your area here. find “parking” on the left side and check “restricted parking zone”.

WienMobil offers bike sharing. The service runs via the "Nextbike app".
Vienna offers well connected bike lanes and taking the bike is a great way to travel fast, while seeing the the beautiful sights of the city.
E-scooters are also available via multiple providers, but keep in mind that all E-scooters, need to be left at specific drop off areas, otherwise you will have to pay a fee.
The easiest and most reliable public transport is the subway system, followed by the tram and bus system.
All public transport (even the S-Bahn) within the so-called “Kernzone Wien” can be used with the same type of ticket, sold by Wiener Linien.
You can buy them online via the WienMobil App or buy them at the red Wiener Linien machines.
More information on tickets and their benefits (discounts at tourist attractions and more) can be found here .
There are also time based tickets for 24, 48 and 72 hours, ideal for a weekend trip and very well priced when compared to a single trip ticket.